Pushover Message API

Pushover uses a simple, versioned REST API to receive messages and broadcast them to devices running our device clients. To simplify the user registration process and usage of our API, there are no complicated out-of-band authentication mechanisms or per-call signing libraries required, such as OAuth. Standard HTTP libraries available in just about every language, or even from the command line, can be used without any custom modules or extra dependencies needed. See our Knowledge Base for examples in different programming languages.

To simplify the process of collecting user keys when sending to multiple users, we have a new Subscription API available.


  1. Register your application, set its name and upload an icon, and get an API token in return (often referred to as APP_TOKEN in our documentation and code examples).
  2. POST an HTTPS request to https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json with the following parameters:
    • token - your application's API token (required)
    • user - your user/group key (or that of your target user), viewable when logged into our dashboard; often referred to as USER_KEY in our documentation and code examples (required)
    • message - your message (required)
    Some optional parameters may also be included:
    • attachment - a binary image attachment to send with the message (documentation)
    • attachment_base64 - a Base64-encoded image attachment to send with the message (documentation)
    • attachment_type - the MIME type of the included attachment or attachment_base64 (documentation)
    • device - the name of one of your devices to send just to that device instead of all devices (documentation)
    • html - set to 1 to enable HTML parsing (documentation)
    • priority - a value of -2, -1, 0 (default), 1, or 2 (documentation)
    • sound - the name of a supported sound to override your default sound choice (documentation)
    • timestamp - a Unix timestamp of a time to display instead of when our API received it (documentation)
    • title - your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used
    • ttl - a number of seconds that the message will live, before being deleted automatically (documentation)
    • url - a supplementary URL to show with your message (documentation)
    • url_title - a title for the URL specified as the url parameter, otherwise just the URL is shown (documentation)

That's it. Make sure your application is friendly to our API servers and you're all set. For more information on each parameter, keep reading or jump to a section at the left.

Need help using our API or found an error in the documentation? Drop us a line.

Application Registration

To get started pushing notifications from your application, plugin, web service, server, or anything else, you'll first need to register it (a free process) to get an API token. You'll be able to set its name which will be used as a default title for messages, as well as upload an icon that will appear with each message in our device clients and notifications.

Example Application API Token:  azGDORePK8gMaC0QOYAMyEEuzJnyUi

Application tokens are case-sensitive, 30 characters long, and may contain the character set [A-Za-z0-9]. All API calls made on behalf of your application must include this token.

Note: This is just an example token to show the format and will not work when sending requests to our API server. To get a token that works, you must register an application.

If you are creating a client-side library, application, or open source project that will be redistributed and installed by end-users, you may want to require each of your users to register their own application rather than including your own API token with the software. See our Knowledge Base for more information.

Users, Groups, and Devices

Once you have an API token, you'll need the user key and optional device name for each user to which you are pushing notifications. If a device name is not specified for a user, or the specified device name is no longer enabled/valid, notifications will be sent to all active devices for that user to avoid losing messages. Messages may be addressed to multiple specific devices by joining them with a comma (such as device=iphone,nexus5).

Instead of a user key, a group key may be supplied. Group keys look identical to user keys and from your application's perspective, you do not need to distinguish between them. When sending notifications to a group key, all active users listed in the group will have the notification delivered to them and the response will look the same.

Alternatively, a message may be sent to multiple users in one request by specifying a comma-separated list (with no spaces) of user keys as the user parameter. These requests are currently limited to 50 users in a single request.

When sending to delivery groups not belonging to a Pushover for Teams organization, or specifying multiple users in a single request, the device parameter will be ignored. Group users will have their specific device honored according to how they are entered in the group.

When sending to a single Team-owned group, the device name is honored, and will restrict sending the message to just the team member devices matching the name in the group. If no devices match, the message will not be broadcast to any users and the API will return a failure status.

As with application API tokens, user keys should be considered private and not disclosed to 3rd parties. Users should be able to update their identifiers and/or device names with your application or service.

Example User Identifier:  uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG

Example Group Identifier:  gznej3rKEVAvPUxu9vvNnqpmZpokzF

Example User Device Name:  droid2

User and group identifiers are 30 characters long, case-sensitive, and may contain the character set [A-Za-z0-9]. Device names are optional, may be up to 25 characters long, and will contain the character set [A-Za-z0-9_-].

As an optional step, your application may validate user or group identifiers after they have been submitted to you. This will ensure that a user has copied his or her identifier properly, that the account is valid, and that there is at least one active device on the account.

Pushing Messages

Messages must contain a message parameter that contains the message body and an optional title parameter. If the title is not specified, the application's name will be shown by default. HTTP and HTTPS URLs included in messages will be automatically parsed by the device clients and shown as clickable links. To include a clickable link outside of your message body, see the supplemental URL documentation.

In this example, we will use the application token, user key, and device name above to push a message about a completed process. Using an HTTPS library available in your application's language, construct a POST request (not a GET request which is often the default) to the following URL:


The .json suffix requests that the response be in JSON format. https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.xml may be used instead to receive an XML response. Note that this does not affect how you send your parameters to our server, which is controlled by the Content-Type header you send with your input. We do not support receiving XML-encoded parameters, only the standard percent-encoding that most HTTP libraries default to, and JSON with a Content-Type of application/json.

HTTPS is required for all API calls, and for security purposes, your application should enable your HTTP library's TLS/SSL verification. The POST method is required be used for the API call to push messages.

Include the token, user, device (optional), title (optional), and message parameters in the body of the request as standard key-value pairs. Continuing with our example, these parameters would be:

token = azGDORePK8gMaC0QOYAMyEEuzJnyUi

user = uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG

device = droid4

title = Backup finished - SQL1

message = Backup of database "example" finished in 16 minutes.

Those parameters would look like this when POSTed as a URL-encoded (also known as percent-encoded) request:

POST /1/messages.json HTTP/1.1
Host: api.pushover.net
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 180


That message would appear like this in the Pushover client on an Android device:

HTML/Message Styling

As of version 2.3 of our device clients, messages can be formatted with HTML tags. As of version 3.4, messages can be formatted with a monospace font.

To enable HTML formatting, include an html parameter set to 1. The normal message content in your message parameter will then be displayed as HTML.

To enable monospace messages, include a monospace parameter set to 1. monospace may not be used if html is used, and vice versa.

Due to limitations with notifications on mobile platforms, HTML tags and monospace formatting are stripped out when displaying your message as a notification (leaving just the plain text of your message). Once the device client is opened and your message has been downloaded from our server, it will be displayed with appropriate HTML or monospace formatting.

HTML tags currently supported:

  • <b>word</b> - display word in bold
  • <i>word</i> - display word in italics
  • <u>word</u> - display word underlined
  • <font color="#0000ff">word</font> - display word in blue text
  • <a href="http://example.com/">word</a> - display word as a tappable link to http://example.com/

Specifying a Message Time

Messages are stored on the Pushover servers with a timestamp of when they were initially received through the API. This timestamp is shown to the user, and messages are listed in order of their timestamps. In most cases, this default timestamp is acceptable.

In some cases, such as when messages have been queued on a remote server before reaching the Pushover servers, or delivered to Pushover out of order, this default timestamping may cause a confusing order of messages when viewed on the user's device. For these scenarios, your app may send messages to the API with the timestamp parameter set to the Unix timestamp of the original message. For example, sending timestamp=1331249662 would deliver the message with a time of March 8, 2011 17:34:22 CST (but shown relative to the local device's timezone).

Message Priority

By default, messages have normal priority (a priority of 0). Messages may be sent with a different priority that affects how the message is presented to the user. Please use your best judgement when sending messages to other users and specifying a message priority. Specifying a message priority does not affect queueing or routing priority and only affects how device clients display them.

Lowest Priority (-2)

When the priority parameter is specified with a value of -2, messages will be considered lowest priority and will not generate any notification. On iOS, the application badge number will be increased.

Low Priority (-1)

Messages with a priority parameter of -1 will be considered low priority and will not generate any sound or vibration, but will still generate a popup/scrolling notification depending on the client operating system. Messages delivered during a user's quiet hours are sent as though they had a priority of (-1).

Normal Priority (0)

Messages sent without a priority parameter, or sent with the parameter set to 0, will have the default priority. These messages trigger sound, vibration, and display an alert according to the user's device settings. On iOS, the message will display at the top of the screen or as a modal dialog, as well as in the notification center. On Android, the message will scroll at the top of the screen and appear in the notification center.

If a user has quiet hours set and your message is received during those times, your message will be delivered as though it had a priority of -1.

High Priority (1)

Messages sent with a priority of 1 are high priority messages that bypass a user's quiet hours. These messages will always play a sound and vibrate (if the user's device is configured to) regardless of the delivery time. High-priority should only be used when necessary and appropriate.

High-priority messages are highlighted in red in the device clients.

Emergency Priority (2)

Emergency-priority notifications are similar to high-priority notifications, but they are repeated until the notification is acknowledged by the user. These are designed for dispatching and on-call situations where it is critical that a notification be repeatedly shown to the user (or all users of the group that the message was sent to) until it is acknowledged. The first user in a group to acknowledge a message will cancel retries for all other users in the group.

Applications sending emergency notifications are issued a receipt that can be used to get the status of a notification and find out whether it was acknowledged, or automatically receive a callback when the user has acknowledged the notification.

To send an emergency-priority notification, the priority parameter must be set to 2 and the retry and expire parameters must be supplied.

The retry parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will send the same notification to the user. In a situation where your user might be in a noisy environment or sleeping, retrying the notification (with sound and vibration) will help get his or her attention. This parameter must have a value of at least 30 seconds between retries.

The expire parameter specifies how many seconds your notification will continue to be retried for (every retry seconds). If the notification has not been acknowledged in expire seconds, it will be marked as expired and will stop being sent to the user. Note that the notification is still shown to the user after it is expired, but it will not prompt the user for acknowledgement. This parameter must have a maximum value of at most 10800 seconds (3 hours), though the total number of retries will be capped at 50 regardless of the expire parameter.

For example, sending a retry parameter of 60 and an expire parameter of 1800 will cause your notification to be retried every 60 seconds for 30 minutes. A retry parameter of 30 and an expire parameter of 10800 will retry every 30 seconds up to 25 minutes due to the cap of 50 retries.

The optional callback parameter may be supplied with a publicly-accessible URL that our servers will send a request to when the user has acknowledged your notification.

When your application sends an emergency-priority notification, our API will respond with a receipt value that can be used to get information about whether the notification has been acknowledged. See our receipts and callbacks section for more information.

If your application is not capable of storing receipt identifiers, you can send a tags parameter of comma-separated, arbitrary tags which will be stored with the receipt on our servers. You can then use the cancel_by_tag API call to cancel all receipts with a specific tag.

Time to Live

Normally a message delivered to a device is retained on the device until it is deleted by the user, or is automatically deleted when the number of messages on the device exceeds the user's configured message limit.

The ttl parameter specifies a Time to Live in seconds, after which the message will be automatically deleted from the devices it was delivered to. This can be useful for unimportant messages that have a limited usefulness after a short amount of time.

The ttl parameter is ignored for messages with a priority value of 2. The ttl value must be a positive number of seconds, and is counted from the time the message is received by our API.

Time to Live functionality requires at least version 4.0 of our iOS and Android apps. Due to limitations on iOS and iPadOS, expired notifications may not be removed automatically from Notification Center until another notification arrives and allows for processing time to expire currently-showing notifications.

Supplementary URLs

The Pushover device clients automatically turn URLs found in message bodies into clickable links that open in the device's browser (or whichever application is configured to handle them). It may be desirable to include a supplementary URL that is not included in the message text, but available for the user to click on. This URL will be passed directly to the device client, with a URL title of the supplied title (defaulting to the URL itself if no title given). Supplementary URLs can be useful for presenting long URLs in a notification as well as interacting with 3rd party applications.

For example, if a Pushover application were sending Twitter messages to a user, a supplementary URL may be sent that includes the actual link to the message that would open in the user's browser (e.g., http://twitter.com/user/status/12345) or a URL that will perform some action in another application installed on the device (e.g., twitter://status?id=12345). The message displayed in the Pushover client would be the actual contents of the Twitter message (with any URLs originally contained in it automatically turned into links), but the supplementary link will be shown underneath it as an option available to the user when the message is highlighted. An example request to our API might have the following parameters:

token = azGDORePK8gMaC0QOYAMyEEuzJnyUi

user = uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG

message = This is a Twitter pic http://twitpic.com/blah

title = Direct message from @someuser

url = twitter://direct_message?screen_name=someuser

url_title = Reply to @someuser

This message would appear in a Pushover device client like so:

When the user taps on the notification in Pushover to expand it, the URL will be shown below it with the supplied url_title parameter, titled "Reply to @someuser", which when clicked, will launch a Twitter application that is set to handle the URL twitter://direct_message link?screen_name=someuser.

While there are some standard URL schemes like tel: and sms: that will be handled by iOS and Android the same way, others like the twitter:// scheme used above are highly specific to the platform and other applications installed on the device. Since Pushover users may be on different platforms and have different 3rd party applications installed, it is not recommended to use app-specific URL schemes as supplementary URLs in public plugins, websites, and apps.

Notification Sounds

Users can choose from a number of different default sounds to play when receiving notifications, rather than our standard Pushover tone. Applications can override a user's default tone choice on a per-notification basis.

When sending notifications through the Pushover API, the sound parameter may be set to one of the following built-in sounds:

  • pushover - Pushover (default)  
  • bike - Bike  
  • bugle - Bugle  
  • cashregister - Cash Register  
  • classical - Classical  
  • cosmic - Cosmic  
  • falling - Falling  
  • gamelan - Gamelan  
  • incoming - Incoming  
  • intermission - Intermission  
  • magic - Magic  
  • mechanical - Mechanical  
  • pianobar - Piano Bar  
  • siren - Siren  
  • spacealarm - Space Alarm  
  • tugboat - Tug Boat  
  • alien - Alien Alarm (long)  
  • climb - Climb (long)  
  • persistent - Persistent (long)  
  • echo - Pushover Echo (long)  
  • updown - Up Down (long)  
  • vibrate - Vibrate Only
  • none - None (silent)

Note: As of April 2021, our apps now support custom sounds in addition to the built-in sounds above. Each user can upload their own sounds through our website and specify them as the sound parameter. Applications sending messages to other users can specify sounds uploaded to the account that owns the application and it will play the custom sound for all users to which the message was sent.

If no sound parameter is specified, the user's default tone will play. If the user has not chosen a custom sound, the standard Pushover sound will play. In most cases, applications choosing to override the default sound should offer the user the option to pick a sound from the list returned by making a GET request to our sounds API:

https://api.pushover.net/1/sounds.json?token=(your app token)

Include your application's token as the token parameter. This API call returns a sounds hash with each key being the actual sound parameter to store for the user and send to our API, with its value describing the sound. This list will include the defaults above, in addition to any custom sounds that have been uploaded to the account owning the application/API token.

Note: In addition to the list of sounds from our API, your application must provide a blank option to the user that will not send the sound parameter to our API (or send it with a blank value). This will allow the user's default tone to play, rather than being overridden by your application.


As of version 3.0 of our iOS, Android, and Desktop apps, Pushover messages can include an image attachment. When received by a device, it will attempt to download the image and display it with the notification. If this fails or takes too long, the notification will be displayed without it and the image download can be retried inside the Pushover app. Note that, like messages, once attachments are downloaded by the device, they are deleted from our servers and only stored on the device going forward. Attachments uploaded for devices that are not running at least version 3.0 of our apps will be discarded as they cannot be displayed by those devices.

Attachment files must be directly sent to our API with your other message parameters and cannot be included as a URL or other parameter that would instruct our servers or the device clients to download the file. This is done for efficiency and for the privacy of our users to avoid making requests to non-Pushover URLs without their knowledge.

Each message may only include one attachment, and attachments are currently limited to 5,242,880 bytes (5.0 megabytes). Attempting to send attachments larger than this size will be rejected with an API error (or server error for extremely large file attempts). Any resizing of images to fit under this limit must be done on the sending side before making the API request.

Attachment data may be sent in two different ways. For HTTP clients and libraries supporting multipart/form-data HTTP bodies, the attachment may be sent directly as binary data, including its content type in the parameter. See the Attachments - multipart/form-data section for instructions.

For HTTP clients that don't support multipart/form-data but where Base64 encoding is available, the attachment may instead be sent as the attachment_base64 parameter. See the Attachments - Base64 section for instructions.

Attachments - multipart/form-data

While all other API parameters may be sent using standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding (the default for most HTTP libraries), including an attachment this way requires sending parameters using multipart/form-data encoding which not all HTTP libraries support. Consult the documentation for your library to see whether it supports this and how to send parameters using this encoding. If it is not supported, see the Base64 option.

When including the attachment parameter, it must include the Content-Disposition and Content-Type sub-headers which provide metadata about the attachment being uploaded including its original filename (as the name="file.jpg" parameter of the Content-Disposition header) and the type of image such as image/jpeg. This should all be handled by your HTTP library so most users will not have to worry about these details, but the raw request data will look something like this:

[other HTTP headers]
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--abcdefg

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user"

[ your Pushover user key ]
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="token"

[ your Pushover API token ]
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="message"

your message here
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachment"; filename="your_image.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg

[ raw binary data of image file here ]

Examples of how to send image attachments can be found in our Knowledge Base for curl and Python.

Attachments - Base64

If your HTTP library does not support sending the binary attachment data directly as multipart/form-data, but you do have a Base64 encoding function/library available, you can send the binary attachment data as a Base64-encoded string as the attachment_base64 parameter. Since the MIME type will not be sent as it is with multipart/form-data, the MIME type must also be sent as the attachment_type parameter (e.g., image/jpeg).

Note that Base64-encoding binary data can increase its size by nearly 35%, so your HTTP request will be that much larger.

Response Format

If your POST request to our API was valid, you will receive an HTTP 200 (OK) status, with a JSON object (or XML stanza if you specified a URL ending in .xml) containing a status code of 1.


If any input was invalid, you will receive an HTTP 4xx status, with a JSON object or XML node containing a status code of something other than 1, and an errors array detailing which parameters were invalid.

{"user":"invalid","errors":["user identifier is invalid"],

If you sent a priority=2 notification, you will also receive a receipt parameter in your response that can be used with our receipts API.

The request parameter returned from all API calls is a randomly-generated unique token that we have associated with your request. If you need to contact us about a question or problem with our API, please include this request parameter that our API returned so we can look up your original request in our logs.


Messages are currently limited to 1024 4-byte UTF-8 characters, with a title of up to 250 characters. Supplementary URLs are limited to 512 characters, and URL titles to 100 characters.

Applications are permitted to send 10,000 messages per month for free, with one team-owned application permitted to send 25,000 messages per month for free, where one message is defined as a successful messages API call to one user, regardless of the number of devices on that user's account. Messages sent to group keys are counted as one message for each user in the group.

If your application needs a higher message limit, please see our Knowledge Base for more information. For open source applications, see our article about distribution of your API token.

Once message limits have been reached, requests will be rejected with a 429 HTTP status code. Message limits are reset at 00:00:00 Central Time on the 1st of each month. Per-day and per-month usage statistics can be viewed on each application's page, as well as through HTTP headers returned in each API call to the messages endpoint showing your app's monthly message limit (plus any additional purchased capacity), the number of messages sent this month, and the Unix timestamp of when the count will reset.

X-Limit-App-Limit: 10000
X-Limit-App-Remaining: 7496
X-Limit-App-Reset: 1393653600

In addition to returning headers with each message request, a dedicated API endpoint is available to return these limits in the result body as limit, remaining, and reset. This endpoint can be used by making a GET request to:

https://api.pushover.net/1/apps/limits.json?token=(your app token)

Include your application's token as the token parameter.

Once a message is verified to have been delivered to a device (which happens after the client on the device is opened and a sync over HTTPS is performed, not just after the message is delivered to Apple/Google carrier servers), the message is deleted from the Pushover servers. Messages not verified to have been received will be deleted after 21 days of being sent to carrier servers. Messages are delivered to and stored on each device separately and are not viewable from the Pushover website or any other device, unless those messages have also been pushed to those devices through the API.

Being Friendly to our API

When creating an application that will use our API, please consider that your message may not go through for various reasons. We may be having temporary technical difficulties, your application might have exceeded its monthly quota, or the user you are sending to may have deactivated their account.

The key to being friendly to our API is to pay attention to how it responds:

  • If we issue a 200 HTTP response and the status parameter in the JSON/XML body is 1, your notification has been received and queued. Well done.
  • If we issue a 4xx HTTP response, or the status parameter is not 1, your input was invalid. Either your application is over its quota, your token is invalid, a user is no longer active, you are not sending a required parameter, etc. Parse the JSON/XML response, noting the errors array if present, and take the appropriate response for your type of message. The important part is that repeating your same request will not work, no matter how many times you retry it. Your input needs to be changed, you need to purchase additional message capacity for your application, or you need to stop retrying.
  • If we issue a 500 or any other HTTP response, you were unable to connect to our API, or you did not get a reply, it means we are having temporary problems. You can repeat your same request again, but no sooner than 5 seconds from your last request. If we're having temporary difficulties, flooding our servers with repeated requests will just make the problem worse for everyone.

Your application should implement basic rate limiting. Do not send more than 2 concurrent HTTP requests (TCP connections) to our API, or we may do rate limiting on our side which may cause timeouts and refused connections for your IP. To speed up multiple requests, you should send each request in sequence over the same TCP connection using HTTP keep-alive to avoid the overhead of a new TCP connection and TLS negotiation.

If your application fails to act in a sane manner and sends many failed requests that result in 4xx responses within a few minutes, your IP will be automatically blocked for a temporary period. This period is automatically extended if your IP continues to send bad requests after being unblocked.

User/Group Validation

As an optional step in collecting user keys for users of your application, you may validate those keys to ensure that a user has copied them properly, that the account is valid, and that there is at least one active device on the account. User and group identifiers may be validated by POSTing an HTTPS request to:


Include your application's token as the token parameter, the user's or group's identifier as the user parameter, and an optional device parameter. If the device parameter is supplied, the validation will apply to that user and device. If the parameter is not supplied, a user will be validated if there is at least one active device on the account.

The validate call returns a response with status set to 1 if the user is valid and has at least one active device to send to. The response will also contain a devices array containing the names of the user's active devices and a licenses array containing the platforms the account is licensed for. If the user and/or device is not valid, status will be set to 0, optionally with a parameter detailing a specific error.